New Is Harder than Expected

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

Lately, I have been experiencing new things.  I turned in my resignation at OVU six months ago, and August 30th was my last day serving OVU as registrar.  Since August 30th, everything in my life has been new.

  • I have been a stay at home mom for the first time.
  • I have been at home to say good-bye to my children in the morning for the first time since they were born (yep...this is true.)
  • I have regularly picked up my children from school for the first time.
  • I have taught a college course for the first time.
  • I have worked from home for the first time.

It seems like this type of transition should be easy.  It hasn't been as easy as I expected.  NEW is different.  My old rhythms don't work in my new life.  I used to go in to work, check my email, check my schedule, and plan my day.  It's all different when I am at home.

As I experience so much new, it has reminded me of this verse.  We ask God to make us new -- and it's a tough transition---and then we are hard on ourselves when we don't look new fast enough.  Becoming new is a slow process.  Just as I am having to relearn how I should approach everything, God's children have to learn to adjust to all the new that is given to them when he transforms the old being into the new being.  Paul even speaks to the difficulty of this transition in Romans 7: 18-19, "For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing."

As I transition, I have had many people tell me to give all of  these new things time.  I am working on this, but sometimes it is hard.  There are so many new options, that I am not sure what I want to choose first, or which ones are best to choose.  BUT, I will give it time...and someday in the near future  I hope to be a new creature.  One that works from home, runs her house  and is able to be more available to others.  

If you are working on being a new creature of any type, one of God or just a new create of habit in some other area of your life, I wish you luck.  I know it is hard.  Hard isn't bad, it's just hard.  Good luck on your journey.



  1. nice post, I've found the easiest way to make personal changes is not to change to much at once. Change one habit at a time, or one item at a time, give it awhile to become normal than move on the the next. Don't feel to strongly that EVERYTHING has to change at once, just take it one step at a time. Good luck on your teaching and consulting!!


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