
I am an imperfect girl in a now, 38-year-old imperfect body.  I am an imperfect mother of three imperfect children and an imperfect wife to an imperfect husband. We all live together in an imperfect little house, living an imperfect little life.  None of this should be news to anyone.

Today, I mean at this very moment in time, I am embracing all this imperfection.  It's been a good day.  I woke up feeling good, got out of bed (to an empty house) and have accomplished lots of tasks that have been on my to-do list.  My mind is clear, and I am doing what I love, what I call my super power, learning and sharing the things I have learned with others...well, if you are reading this, I'm sharing them with you!

In the ins and outs of life, we often get bogged down by our imperfections.  I have observed this for years and shared my observations with the people I have been privileged to interact with, my family, my friends, and strangers who wanted to listen.  This is the human condition.  Recently, I listened to the book, Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, and she has spent her career investigating this phenomenon and the shame and vulnerability that being imperfect lead to.  She records the many ways we embrace our imperfections and helps observe some of the healthier ways we can live with these imperfections.  While I have only spent my lifetime making observations and informally researching this topic,  I have been confident for many years that whatever it takes for each of us to embrace our imperfections and grow, the process requires practice.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE...It's been a mantra for many years.  And as I get the eye rolls from my tweens, when I speak of this thing called practice, I am more confident than ever that practice is the process and the destination.  It's the way we move towards imperfect perfection.  It's the way we make imperfect progress.

And in my years of observations, I have also learned that no one really teaches us how to practice.  As a Christian,  I reference the ancient scrolls we formally call the Bible, to draw from the wisdom of past practicers, to learn about where to aim to reach perfection and to draw confidence from the fact that I don't have to get this one life I am given perfect...BUT I find I still need daily guidance and support on this journey of practice. I need input on how to handle myself after screaming my head off in front of one of my children and  I need support when I am so tired that the idea of practicing the truths I have learned seems like an insurmountable task.  I need help in finding new ways to act when my ways have failed, and I need people to love me despite my failures.  AND, I may be projecting, but I believe we all need support, guidance, and input from fellow practicers....SO I am going to start writing again...about this journey through practice.  I hope to establish a practice of writing about it (haha see what I did there), and I'd like you to join me on the journey.  I am not sure where it will lead us.  I am sure THERE will be failures along the way.  BUT I hope that will join in the journey with me.  At least for today:)

Thanks for being willing to learn with me...~ Sarah


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