
Insomnia is a word I seldom use,  but it is likely the name that reflects the rhythm of my nights. In many ways I value those dark and quiet hours, and I don't think the word paints them with the best brush. 

In the dark of night,  I ponder the trajectory of my energies.   Am I using my energies productively?   Am I investing all them or wasting them?  

I ponder about deep things,  think about the people I love,  pray over people and situations,  study, and listen to the earth. Sometimes I text my people - it's a love/ hate for them... no one wants early morning texts,  but they enjoy the content.   For me it's an acceptance of them into my pondering - a sacred place. Only a handful of people visit this place. 

In the wee hours,  I've created, designed, and processed through arts, crafts,  relationships,  challenges,  prayers,  blessings,  and more.   

While this rhythm of mine might be unconventional,  I'm not sure I want to surrender it to sleep.   Seems like a waste of a beautiful thing. 


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