Siblings and sisters

Growing up I didn't have many sisters around...I am the only girl in my family. I did have three brothers.  So I learned about being a sister from those brothers - but at times I wanted to be a sister to sisters.

My grandmother had sisters - she knew more about how to be a sister with sisters.

One thing grandma taught me about sisters is that it is fun to be together.  

She and her sisters would make plans to get together and do work around the house, even boring stuff like cleaning.  I've decided this is genius!  

So as I've aged, I've adopted lots of sisters into my life.  They are super special - we laugh, cry, vent, and generally do life together. AND I invite them to come to do work with me around the house - even boring stuff like cleaning.  It always works!  Having a sister nearby while doing even the most mundane things, like cleaning the closet, is a lot more fun than tackling it alone.  Reciprocation helps feed the habit.  I go to their houses too, and we do mundane things, like washing walls - and it is fun. Sisters and I like to talk a lot and neither of us runs out of words or listening power (at least in the moment).  I like that about sisters.

I'm really glad I've been working at this sistering thing for a long time.  My sisters make life grand. We are more alike than different.  We share about things that help us, hurt us and move us.  This is important work.  There's a lot to learn about being a sister

My brothers make life grand too...but it's not quite the same. They aren't really up for having fun over housework.  


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