Extravagance at its best

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5 

If you know me, it is likely you know that,  except on people,  I am not much of a risk taker.  I consider my options, weigh the outcomes and tend to go for the logical option.  So, given this verse in James, I have prayed for wisdom, much of my life.  God gives it generously to all without reproach - a sure bet.

Many people can attest that God has been gracious to me.  Despite my own desires,   God's wisdom has allowed me to make wise choices, has provided many words of wisdom to me and others, and has greatly influenced the trajectory of my life. I am very grateful.  

Having said that, I think that a piece of wisdom God bestowed on me early is that "it could be me."  It could be me abusing someone or something, it could be me abandoned and hurting, it could be me cheating and stealing, it could be me hurting and killing.  I don't want it to be me, but given the right circumstances,  any of us can become, do, or experience those things we abhor. While wise choices can help us avoid some of them, circumstances often dictate choices in ways we cannot predict our comprehend. There's not always a single thing to blame,  just a series of circumstances that result in the outcome. 

And through this I have learned grace and mercy. 

We are all more alike than different.  We all long to be loved and accepted.  We all need the basic necessities to survive.  And none of us gets to choose the circumstances we are born into.   This is the leveling characteristic of humanity.   

So,  for people,  I take my risks.  I embrace them.  I assume that they are doing the best they can with the lot they've been given.   I love abundantly and serve freely.  I try to reserve judgement and err on the side of mercy and grace.  I hold sacred that God has blessed me with their names and the knowledge of their stories for a reason.  

And it is good. 

The people in my life are such blessings.  Each contributes to who I am and make my life brighter.   So if you are one of those individuals, I hope you know how much you matter to me.   We were meant to cross paths for a reason,  sometimes just for a season, sometimes more.   For this, I am grateful.

Today,  tomorrow and always we have new opportunities to take risks on people.   Join me in this life gamble.   Take a chance on extravagant acceptance and talk to someone new today. I guarantee,  it won't be boring and you'll meet some amazing souls.


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